Contact Us

Contact Us

You can contact us by phone or by E-mail.  For nearly all purposes, use the first of the following two E-mail addresses.  This is the address that we prefer people use for most messages, including messages or questions about our services, subscriptions, access, or the Website.  Our response to messages sent using this address is faster.  We rarely check mail sent to this address.  See the “Explanation” in the next paragraph.

Our system receives messages sent to the second address, but it does not send those messages to our in-box.  Robotic systems send SPAM to that addressThe messages arriving there are usually from sources that have not actually visited our Website.  People who actually visit our site find the “Contact Us” page and see these instructions.   

Communicate by Phone

       We will be glad to answer questions.  However, we do not accept collect calls or give transaction advice.  Please read the following before you call.

There have been so many calls from scammers and telemarketers that they have become a time consuming distraction.  Therefore, we sometimes mute the ringer, but we will turn the ringer on if we expect a call from a real visitor, a subscriber, or anybody who has an interest in subscribing.  Simply send us an email and let us know that you want to talk with someone.  An email is not necessary, but it is helpful.  Read the following information about the best times to call.  We will be glad to discuss issues, problems, or answer questions.

       The best times to call and talk to somebody tend to be in the morning (between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. Pacific).  We are usually not trading during these hours.  You may also send an Email to schedule a time to call. 

Phone:  714-966-1400